Nutritional value of royal jelly
Queen's food has a very high nutritional value.
Royal gel contains a large amount of mineral salts such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, sodium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, copper, iron, lithium, cobalt, chromium, etc.
It is also rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K.
Royal jelly is a complete source of structural, membrane and cyclic proteins.
Hydrophobic, charged and polar amino acids are also found in a significant amount in Shah Angbin.

Benefits of royal jelly
Bee milk has many benefits.
The properties of queen bee food have been mentioned in Islamic and traditional Iranian medicine.
Queen bee food is effective in preventing and treating many diseases by strengthening the body's immune system.
Royal gel is also very effective in cosmetics.
The nature of royal jelly
Royal jelly has a warm nature.
This warmth of nature will relieve coldness.
Cold-tempered people will cure this sexual disorder to a great extent by consuming Shah Angbin.
Also, erectile dysfunction is another disease that can be treated with bee milk.
Consumption of queen food increases blood circulation and as a result complete erection in men.
The effect of royal jelly on weight loss
With very high protein in the queen's food, this food item induces a feeling of satiety.
As a result, it eliminates false appetite and prevents overeating.
The absence of artificial sugar, saturated fat and carbohydrates or starch in Royal Gel does not cause overweight and obesity.
Royal jelly contains most of the micronutrients needed by the human body.
Benefits of royal jelly for men
Shah Engbin has a direct effect on stimulating sperm production and consequently its increase in men.
This issue has a great impact on increasing the chances of having children.
It also significantly solves the problem of premature ejaculation in men.
By delaying and postponing the orgasm, the duration and quality of sex will be greatly improved.
Bee milk is also effective in treating common diseases in men such as prostate cancer and testicular infection.

Benefits of royal jelly for women
The benefits of queen bee food are much more for women than for men.
Postponing menopause should be mentioned.
It is also effective in reducing the complications and symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, sweating, sleep disorders, physical weakness, all kinds of pain, etc.
It treats common coldness in women in a tangible way.
Queen bee food is very useful for stimulating and removing ovarian laziness in women.
This issue has a positive effect on increasing the probability of fertility.
After childbirth, it also prevents mental illnesses such as postpartum depression.
It is also useful in increasing the amount of breast milk.
The nutrients in Royal Gel are also transferred to the infant through breast milk.
Due to the warm nature of royal jelly, its consumption affects the birth of a boy.
Because the nature of the girl is cold.
Benefits of royal jelly for pregnant women
Shah Angbin strengthens the body of mother and fetus during pregnancy.
Consumption of bee milk during pregnancy should be done with full knowledge.
This extremely rich food should be eaten as a single serving.
Between 3 and 5 grams should be consumed in each meal.
It is recommended to consume the queen's food with the consultation and supervision of the relevant doctor.
The queen's appetite at breakfast has the greatest impact.
After 3 months of use, there should be a break for 1 week.
Then start using again.
Benefits of royal jelly for children
Due to the high calorie content of royal gel, its consumption in children leads to providing the energy needed by this active age group.
Royal jelly is effective in strengthening muscle growth and muscle building.
Also, the ossification and tooth growth characteristic of Shah Angbin is ideal for children.
Another important feature of worker bee milk for children is its articulation feature.
Due to the strengthening of the immune system and the creation of a natural defense shield in the child's body, the consumption of queen's food prevents infectious viral diseases.

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